Monday, April 19, 2010

A Return to La Mancha

Whether because of time constraints, laziness or disenchantment I fell away from blogging for a time. In my absence I spent a year in Scandinavia, I lived a nomadic Australian existence and I watched lovers come and go, but I always felt like I'd mount Rocinante, dig my heels into her withered flanks and ride once more.

And so it comes to this. My armour creaks and groans more than I had remembered. My sword - as rusty as I had remembered - is in hand. Poor squat Sancho has grudgingly agreed to be my squire. I, Don Quixote, will ride the golden plains of La Mancha once more.


Bruce said...

Holy (or unholy) cow!

I knew keeping you on my blogroll would pay off! WELCOME BACK!!! :D

Bruce (formerly of Rave and Rant).

Don Quixote said...

Yep, I'm back - from the frozen north.

How have you been?

Say, are you on Facebook? I could swear that I saw your name today on the page of my friend Emily.

Shelley said...

Oh my.

Don Quixote said...

Oh my indeed. Shelly? I don't remember you using your real name.

Bruce said...

Yes, I am on Facebook. And would the said Emily have anything to do with a certain University secular society?

Don Quixote said...

The very same. I'll have to look you up.

Shelley said...

Oh you know, some things change, some stay the same...

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