Friday, November 18, 2005

The (figurative) death of a blogger

When a blogger dies it is a truly sad thing...

Originally, when I first set off on my journey of blog exploration, I typed the word ‘weblogs’ into google. One of the first sites that came to eye, listed amongst the jungle of blogging links on offer, was called ‘blogs Canada’. This site was to provide me with much of the bloggy goodness that I read today.

In the early days there were only two blogs that I read regularly, those being the grand delusions of the irrepressible Lividia Crank and the largely wordless diary of Kitty Kaboom. I read Lividia’s diary for very obvious reasons: her clear prose, her witty insights and for the keyhole glimpses I get of what it’s like in the life of a girly girl. With Kitty, things were slightly different – her writing, minimal at the best of times, was not what drew me in. It was only with the passage of time I realized it was the way she looked that kept me coming back, checking for posts, hoping for another glimpse.

She reminded me of someone.

At first I couldn’t put my finger on it. I’d sit and wonder, who the hell does she resemble? It was nagging me. Pestering me. It wasn’t until I showed the site to a friend that the truth came out. Looking at me strangely, perhaps wondering if I’d developed some kind of obsession, they told me plainly, "It looks exactly like A."

A! Damn it!! How could I not see it? From the China-doll looks to the punkish adornments, it is her through and through. And with that realization, it dawned on me that I’d not be able to prevent myself from checking the site with obsessive regularity. Could you, upon finding a site held by an ex, resist the temptation to look upon it from time to time (I realize that this is not a site held by my ex, but the likeness is, well, plain spooky)?

Right from the start Kitty posted infrequently, perhaps only once every couple of months. This didn’t stop me from checking weekly for a new post. As time’s gone by, infrequently has become rarely, and rarely has become never. There has been no post from Kitty since September 3rd. This represents the death of a blogger.

It is time to lay the ghosts of the past to rest, to put it all behind me, to move on. In short, it is time to delete a redundant link.

Farewell Kitty, I barely knew ye.


Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

and yet the link lingers on still...

Anonymous said...

Esteemed Colleague and I understand this post COMPLETELY. Yep, this is ringing a little too close to home.

You aren't alone.

Anonymous said...

oh don, i'm so flattered... clear? witty? if this is how my blog comes off, why does this not work in the real world? if only i had the gift of clarity earlier tonight sitting drunk outside a bar with my ex detailing ever so clumsily why we can't be friends (but still maybe sorta waiting for him to say I WAS A MORON AND I MISS YOU HORRIBLY).

[takes a biiiiig swig of wine]

but i understand so completely about the rest. visual reminders stir up the oddest little memories, and no i couldn't resist peeking at the blog of an ex. okay i admit, i *do* peek at the livejournal of an ex i stumbled upon a while after we'd broken up. though he keeps all his posts private, his new wife is not so secretive so i get to find out about her depressing pregnancy and the fact that his family has disowned them.

life, you are one hilarious mofo...

Don Quixote said...

It is more testament to my laziness than continued obsession, Some girl. Well, maybe...

Don Quixote said...

Circe, I had a feeling that I wouldn't be the only one to fall victim to such an occurance. It is a completely harmless form of stalking though. :)

Don Quixote said...

Flattered? Livi, flattery implies some embellishment on my part. I didn't seek to flatter; just to call things the way that I see them.

The great thing about communication via blog - with people that you aren't likely to see in this world - is that one can speak the truth, plain and clear.

As for the drunken ex conversation, there is no parity between great writing and an ordered love life. At the same time, if people had ordered love lives there probably wouldn't be any good writing around.

Your ex's new wife keeps you up to speed on his decline? Nice.

Anonymous said...

not intentionally, of course... but through the joy that is livejournal 'friends' links i followed the journal of an old uni acquaintance and landed on my ex's journal a long while back. out of curiosity, because i am sure i have it in such great amounts it qualifies as a disease, i'd check back every now and again along with his 'friends' circle... and stumbled upon a woman he happened to be dating among his links. the things i have found out have made me laugh so hard i could give up the gym for the caloric burn caused by it. god bless the internet :P